AI Policy


UK Government Commons Library

The Bletchley Declaration (Nov ‘23)

All-Party Parliamentary Group on the Future of Work (Nov ‘21)


We have been incredibly fortunate to have experienced the rapid growth and adoption of a digital way of life, which has transformed the way we all live and work in just the past few decades.  That change however was gradual in relation to the overnight adoption of and ongoing experimentation with Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI presents incredible opportunities for all of us, but we believe these are dependent upon responsible, trustworthy and human-centric adoption and use.

Wise & Zeal is committed to only harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for good, for all and in an inclusive manner.  We recognise the immense potential of AI technology to drive positive change and innovation in our business, and for the people in our teams and at our customers. As such, our approach to leveraging AI is guided by a strong ethical framework (The Bletchley Declaration and The Good Work Charter) and centres around four guiding principles:

Transparency: we will always strive to be transparent about how AI systems are used by our company and in the services we deliver to our customers.  

Fairness: we will avoid any discriminatory practices and biases.  We are dedicated to treating all individuals equally and fairly. 

Learning: we are committed to providing access to learning which empowers our team to use AI responsibly, and to aid wellbeing.

Privacy & Security: we are dedicated to the safeguarding of privacy and data security of our employees, customers and partners.

To support our commitment to ethical and inclusive AI, we expect all employees to:

  • Actively discuss all aspects related to the responsible use of AI
  • Report any concerns related to unethical, biased or undignified AI usage
  • Actively continue education and training to stay up to date with AI best practices

Our commitment is to harness the power of AI to drive innovation and positive change whilst upholding our commitment to ethics and inclusivity.

We are proud of the trust our customers, employees and associates have in our business, and we are proud of the work we do.


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